B12 + Lipo-C
Vials Shipped Directly to You
THIS IS THE BEST DEAL!!!! When these are shipped directly to you, you can administer 2 injections per week to enhance results! 8 injections of Lipo-C 8 injections of B-12
**Choose any appointment time available, No visit is required unless prompted by the provider and will be scheduled separately**
Vial Shipped Directly to You
When the vial is shipped directly to you, you can administer B12 twice weekly for enhanced results. And never worry about missing a clinic appointment and getting off track!
**Choose any appointment time available, No visit is required unless prompted by the provider and will be scheduled separately**
Vial Shipped Directly to You
When the vial is shipped directly to you, you can administer Lipo-C twice weekly for enhanced results. And never worry about missing a clinic appointment and getting off track!
**Choose any appointment time available, No visit is required unless prompted by the provider and will be scheduled separately**
Weight Loss Peptide (Semaglutide)
Initial Virtual Visit
This Package Includes: -weight loss consultation -Medication and injection kit shipped directly to you -20% off Weight loss injections (Lipo-C, B12, GOAL)
**Choose any appointment time available, No visit is required unless prompted by the provider and will be scheduled separately**